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UCIDA letter to North Pacific Fishery Management Council, May 2020. Regarding State management problems in the development of an FMP.
Analysis of State Revenue from Fisheries; Upper Cook Inlet, 2014, A retrospective analysis of options for increasing revenue returns on UCI salmon based on data from the 2014 salmon season, UCIDA, December, 2015
UCIDA vs NMFS UCIDA’s position paper explaining some of the reasoning behind our litigation against the National Marine Fisheries Service.
Cook Inlet escapement goals and counts, ADF&G’s table showing Upper Cook Inlet escapement goals and escapement counts from 2010-2014. Notice that the Kenai and Kasilof escapement counts exceed the goals.
2014 UCI Commercial Salmon Fishery Season Summary, ADF&G’s preliminary report on the 2014 salmon season in UCI, October, 2014.
Cook Inlet Commercial Fishing Industry, UCIDA’s presentation to the Alaska State Senate Resources Committee, March 2014. This report is also available with audio here.
Cook Inlet Salmon Fishery Management: Utilizing Salmon Migration Patterns and Run Timing, UCIDA’s report on salmon migration routes and timing through Cook Inlet and salmon escapement data prepared for the Alaska Board of Fish, February, 2014. This report is also available with audio here.
Kenai River Sockeye Escapement Goals, UCIDA’s report on salmon escapement data prepared for the Alaska Board of Fish, February, 2014. This report is also available with audio here.
A Watershed Perspective on Salmon Production in the Mat-Su Basin, A comprehensive review of issues affecting salmon resources in the Matanuska and Susitna watersheds. UCIDA, 2013.
Upper Cook Inlet Commercial Fisheries Annual Management Report, 2013, ADF&G’s description and summary of the 2013 commercial fisheries in UCI, December, 2013.
Review of Salmon Escapement Goals in Upper Cook Inlet, Alaska, 2013, ADF&G’s review of escapement goals for the major river systems in UCI, 2013.
Report to House Fisheries Committee – Salmon Escapements in Excess of Goals, ADF&G’s report to the Alaska State House Fisheries Committee on causes and solutions for unharvested salmon surpluses in the state, February, 2013. The report strangely omits sockeye runs in the Kasilof and Kenai Rivers.
Mark-Recapture Population Estimates of Coho, Pink, and Chum to Upper Cook Inlet, 2002, An ADF&G study by T.M. Willette, et al, using mark-recapture techniques to estimate total population sizes, escapements and exploitation rates for coho, pink and chum salmon returning to UCI in 2002.