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Observable impairments predict mortality of captured and released sockeye salmon at various temperatures, Study by M.K. Gale, et al, on mortality of caught and released sockeye, Conservation Physiology, 2014.
Species- and sex-specific responses and recovery of wild, mature pacific salmon to an exhaustive exercise and air exposure stressor, An examination of the biochemistry and physiology of caught and released sockeye and pink salmon by M.R. Donaldson, et al, Elsevier Inc., 2014.
Fishery Related Aspects of Faulty Sonar Data, Over-Escapement and Impaired Habitat for Susitna Sockeye, An analysis of the various factors that have contributed to a misunderstanding of sockeye salmon escapements in the Mat-Su drainages. The consequences have included deleterious over-escapements into some systems, a lack of attention to growing habitat problems and inappropriate and costly restrictions to commercial fishing efforts. UCIDA, 2014.
Introduced northern pike predation on salmonids in southcentral Alaska, A USGS and ADF&G study on invasive pike in the Mat-Su. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2013.
A Watershed Perspective on Salmon Production in the Mat-Su Basin, A comprehensive review of issues affecting salmon resources in the Matanuska and Susitna watersheds. UCIDA, 2013.
A Comprehensive Inventory of Impaired Anadromous Fish Habitats in the Matanuska-Susitna Basin, with Recommendations for Restoration, ADF&G Habitat division assessment and summary of identified threats to salmon resources in the Mat-Su basin, ADF&G, 2013.
Little Susitna River Salmon History from 1886 to 2012, A compilation of data and reports documenting early mining activity, decades of fish stocking using both native and hybrid species and effects from sportfishing in the Little Susitna River, UCIDA, 2013.
Mortality of Coho Salmon Caught and Released Using Sport Tackle in the Little Susitna River, Study by D. Vincent-Lang, et al, on the mortality of coho salmon caught and released in the estuary of the Little Susitna River versus upriver of the estuary, Fisheries Research, 1993.